華南師范大學生物光子學院黎錦明課題組在《ACS Nano》雜志上發(fā)表了題為“Near-Infrared Light-Controlled and Real-Time Detection of Osteogenic Difffferentiation in Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Upconversion Nanoparticles for Osteoporosis Therapy”文章。
團隊開發(fā)了一種新型納米載體UCNP@mSiO2-peptide-BHQ-ONA-CD。這種納米載體被MSC細胞內(nèi)吞后,被980nm近紅外光激發(fā),可釋放icariin 促進MSC細胞向成骨細胞分化來治療骨質(zhì)疏松癥,相對于傳統(tǒng)方法效果顯著。
其中,研究團隊使用勤翔(Clinx)化學發(fā)光成像設備ChemiScope 6100進行核酸檢測和蛋白印跡分析,使用勤翔(Clinx)小動物活體成像設備IVScope 8000記錄成像結(jié)果。
Cell Discovery
西安交通大學徐峰教授、美國圣路易斯華盛頓大學Guy. M. Genin教授團隊在《Cell Discovery》發(fā)表題為“A positive mechanobiological feedback loop controls bistable switching of cardiac ?broblast phenotype”文章。
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
四川大學華西藥學院孫遜教授團隊在《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》發(fā)表題為“Single-shot AAV-vectored vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 with fast and long-lasting immunity”文章。
現(xiàn)有COVID-19疫苗的長期保護和對新變種效力的顯著降低,流行病預防和控制仍具挑戰(zhàn)。研究基于 CASE 制造了一種腺相關病毒血清6型疫苗(S663V-RBD),單劑量 S663V-RBD 在小鼠中誘導更持久強大的免疫應答,并引發(fā)針對三種典型 SARS-CoV-2假病毒(包括野生型 C.37(Lambda)和 B.1.617.2(Delta))的優(yōu)異中和抗體,基于CASE的S663V-RBD可能會為當前和下一次流感大流行提供新的解決方案。其中,研究團隊使用勤翔(Clinx)化學發(fā)光成像系統(tǒng)進行蛋白信號成像。
Nature Communications
西安交通大學馮智輝教授團隊在《Nature Communications》上發(fā)表題為“Cardiac disruption of SDHAF4-mediated mitochondrial complex II assembly promotes dilated cardiomyopathy”文章。
One Health Implement Res.
尼日利亞醫(yī)學研究所分子寄生蟲學研究實驗室Olaoluwa P.Akinwale教授團隊在《One Health & Implementation Researchature》上發(fā)表題為“Characterization of freshwater snail intermediate hosts of schistosomes in four communities from Osun State, Southwest Nigeria”文章。
Signal Transduct Target Ther.
四川大學馬良和付平研究團隊在《Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy》發(fā)表題為“FFAR4 improves the senescence of tubular epithelial cells by AMPK/SirT3 signaling in acute kidney injury”文章。
Nano Letters
華南師范大學生物光子學院黎錦明課題組在《Nano Letters》雜志上發(fā)表了題為“Near-Infrared Light-Controlled Activation of Adhesive Peptides Regulates Cell Adhesion and Multidifffferentiation in Mesenchymal Stem Cells on an Up-Conversion Substrate”文章。
其中,研究團隊使用勤翔(Clinx)小動物活體成像設備IVScope 8000進行活體實驗,觀察小鼠背部熒光強度的變化。
Acta Biomaterialia
浙江大學高長有教授、浙江大學醫(yī)學院第一附屬醫(yī)院曹紅翠教授團隊在《Acta Biomaterialia》上發(fā)表“ROS-responsive polymer nanoparticles with enhanced loading of dexamethasone effectively modulate the lung injury microenvironment”文章。
團隊開發(fā)了一種納米粒子:PFTU@DEX NPs,它可減少使用昂貴的材料,以及可能對在臨床中采用中高劑量藥物減負。其中,研究團隊使用勤翔(Clinx)化學發(fā)光成像設備進行蛋白印跡成像。
Bioactive Materials
中國科學院寧波材料所吳愛國團隊在《Bioactive Materials》雜志發(fā)表題為“Black TiO2 nanoprobe-mediated mild phototherapy reduces intracellular lipid levels in atherosclerotic foam cells via cholesterol regulation pathways instead of apoptosis”文章。其中,研究團隊使用勤翔(Clinx)化學發(fā)光成像設備ChemiScope 6200Touch進行蛋白印跡成像與觀察。
Acta Biomaterialia
蘇州大學張明陽教授和陶陸陽教授、南京醫(yī)科大學附屬蘇州醫(yī)院單海燕團隊在《Acta Biomaterialia》雜志上發(fā)表“Surface-fifill H2S-releasing silk fifibroin hydrogel for brain repair through the repression of neuronal pyroptosis”文章。
該研究開發(fā)了一種裝載H2S可注射填充絲素蛋白的水凝膠:H2S@SF hydrogel,對重度腦出血治療提供了局部、小劑量給藥的新模式。其中,研究團隊使用勤翔(Clinx)化學發(fā)光成像系統(tǒng)用于檢測免疫反應條帶。
Nature Communications
北京化工大學羅施中教授團隊在《Nature Communications》上發(fā)表題為“Phase separation on cell surface facilitates bFGF signal transduction with heparan sulphate”文章。
四川大學黃燦華教授、成都中醫(yī)藥大學姜岑教授、澳大利亞莫納什大學Edouard Nice教授團隊等在《International Journal of Biological Sciences》發(fā)表“Repurposing Oxiconazole against Colorectal Cancer via PRDX2-mediated Autophagy Arrest”文章。其中,研究團隊使用了勤翔(Clinx)化學發(fā)光成像系統(tǒng)進行了蛋白印跡成像。
Advanced Science
中國科學院生物物理研究所閻錫蘊課題組在《Advanced Science》發(fā)表題為“CD146 Associates with Gp130 to Control a Macrophage Pro-in?ammatory Program That Regulates the Metabolic Response to Obesity”文章
- Pancreatic tumor eradication via selective Pin1 inhibition in cancer-associated ?broblasts and T lymphocytes engagement,Nature Communications
- ATF4-dependent fructolysis fuels growth of glioblastoma multiforme,Nature Communications
- A genetically encoded ?uorescent biosensor for detecting itaconate with subcellular resolution in living macrophages,Nature Communications
- Gene activation guided by nascent RNA-bound transcription factors,Nature Communications
- A self-assembled trimeric protein vaccine induces protective immunity against Omicron variant,Nature Communications
- Structural insights into mechanism and speci?city of the plant protein O-fucosyltransferase SPINDLY,Nature Communications
- Metabolic control of CD47 expression through LAT2-mediated amino acid uptake promotes tumor immune evasion,Nature Communications
- Lysosomal protein transmembrane 5 promotes lung-speci?c metastasis by regulating BMPR1A lysosomal degradation,Nature Communications
- Arabidopsis RBV is a conserved WD40 repeat protein that promotes microRNA biogenesis and ARGONAUTE1 loading,Nature Communications
-Tumour-derived extracellular vesicle membrane hybrid lipid nanovesicles enhance siRNA delivery by tumour-homing and intracellular freeway transportation,Journal of extracellular vesicles
- Comparative characterization of antibody responses induced by Ad5-vectored spike proteins of emerging SARS-CoV-2 VOCs,Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy
- Oxygen microcapsules improve immune checkpoint blockade by ameliorating hypoxia condition in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma,Bioactive Materials
- Hepatic Suppression of Mitochondrial Complex II Assembly Drives Systemic Metabolic Bene?ts,Advanced Science
- Up-regulation of proBDNF/p75NTR signaling in antibody-secreting cells drives systemic lupus erythematosus,Science advances
- Conjugate of ibrutinib with a TLR7 agonist suppresses melanoma progression and enhances antitumor immunity,International Journal of Biological Sciences
- Upregulation of SQLE Contributes to Poor Survival in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma,International Journal of Biological Sciences
- Oncolytic peptide LTX-3 15 induces anti-pancreatic cancer immunity by targeting the ATP11B- PD- L1 axis,Journal for immunotherapy of cancer
- STAT3/miR-130b-3p/MBNL1 feedback loop regulated by mTORC1 signaling promotes angiogenesis and tumor growth,Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research
- Human tau accumulation promotes glycogen synthase kinase-3b acetylation and thus upregulates the kinase: A vicious cycle in Alzheimer neurodegeneration,EBioMedicine
- SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 reshapes the ER through forming mixed disulffdes with ER oxidoreductases,Redox Biology
- MPST deffciency promotes intestinal epithelial cell apoptosis and aggravates inffammatory bowel disease via AKT,Redox Biology
- Kiwifruit MYBS1-like and GBF3 transcription factors in?uence L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis by activating transcription of GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase 3,New phytologist